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03/19/2013 / Dom

In the moment.

I was talking to someone today that used those words.

In the moment.

I have always found that thought interesting. That sense of being completely in one place, not letting your mind drift. Experiencing that moment in time, with whatever is around you.

I have a hard time doing this. I don’t know if it is a lack of attention span, general restlessness or what not but I have a hard time being completely IN a moment. However, I think that it is something I should try more of, something we all should try more of. If you are with friends, be with them. Not ingrained in your phone, or your laptop. Enjoy the company.

At a game? Stop texting other people. Watch the action, feel the intensity. Odds are whatever that is distracting you can wait. Let it go and get into the moment.

I know you have heard this before, but I was reminded today, so I wanted to share with you too. Be in the moment.

Because honestly, you will never know when that moment will be the last of its kind.

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